Tuesday, January 15, 2019

About Mary McCray

Picture of Mary McCray in 1974
Christmas 1974
My name is Mary and I'm a digital content editor at CNM and a poet and blogger. I love digital literature and hope someday to create some digital poems and short stories.

Ape Culture logoMy education is in English and Creative Writing. But I've been building websites since my friend and I created a pop-culture zine called Ape Culture back in 1998. We also created a Blogger blog for the site years later.

I've published a few books of poetry (one science fiction themed and one a Zen Cowboy tale along New Mexico's Goodnight-Loving trail) and I have a website for those at https://www.marymccray.com/.

I've also been blogging about poetry at Big Bang Poetry  since about 2013.

And my alter ego is Cher Scholar because I blog about Cher at https://cherscholar.typepad.com/.

I became interested in Digital Literature a few years ago and have been tracking my favorite pieces here: https://www.marymccray.com/elit-reading-list.html.

I've only dabbled in online works over the last few years but I started a list of projects I've done including some videos, a mesotic poem and some 1990s celebrity hypertext "choose your own adventures."

Looking forward to learning more in this class.


  1. I love that you have an alter ego that you use. I have always thought it might be fun to take up a different persona and tell stories through new eyes. I am very impressed with your first post and the images and links you included.

  2. This is amazing, Mary (or should I address you as Nerdia?). I'm especially excited about your celebrity hypertext projects! Since you've been following digital literature for so long, perhaps you'd be interested in recording an interview/discussion for the podcast? Lemme know.
    By the way, the model for your zine t-shirt is on point :)

  3. I am happy to be taking this class with such an accomplished poet. I've written poetry all my life and am only now looking into getting published. I will certainly be looking in on your various blogs and musings.

  4. That is amazing that you have published a poetry book, I will have to check it out.
